It seems like not only American politics are at issue, so is the NFL with Colin Keapernick and the demands to get a contract by him and the alleged collusion that may or may not exist by the various owners of the NFL clubs. The locale for the tryout or audition and grounds to conduct them make every party culpable in one way or another.
Speaking of the NFL, that nasty incident of helmet smashing by Myles Garrett on the head of his opponent (reference in Steelers-Browns recent game) should be dealt with in severe punitive measured response. The sport is violent enough so it is not necessary or needed. It reminds me of the incident with the San Francisco Giant’s Juan Marichal and the Los Angeles Dodger’s Johnny Roseboro. Marichal clubbed Roseboro with his baseball bat causing 14 stitches, and although Marichal did nothing for his batting average and his reputation took a hit.

I noticed that Don Trump junior was interviewed by a fellow named Levine on Fox News and he compared himself to Hunter Biden and how each has attained their value. He questioned how Hunter Biden could possibly be on the Board of Directors of a Ukrainian oil company without speaking the language, having no experience and a number of other qualifiers needed. My question to him is what are he and Ivanka doing getting involved in government business with their qualifications? Reminds me of my cousin Louie, the family considered him brilliant and a future politician, he ran for 3rd-grade class president… three times!
Being present in a medical facility for the last two and a half years makes me appreciate the dedication of the staff and the fact that their color, place of birth, and religion really don’t matter, but their gentleness and loving concern for those in need does seem to matter greatly. Prejudice has worn itself out, old concepts manufactured and fueled by white bias has run its course. If you are dying and a doctor comes along and saves your life, you won’t reject that doctor based on color, place of origin or color. A good chance is that that doctor may not be white or from this country, and may speak with a heavy accent. The only thing you need to know then is: “THANK GOD!”
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