Wednesday, September 20, 2006


I have a habit of always finding myself on a line that will take forever. Usually at the supermarket I get behind a lady that needs to write a check. This will cause the whole world to slow down. Immediately the cashier or check out person shifts gears: slow motion. Get the manager-by calling him or her in a noisy crowded store, and hope the manager hears the page.

If that scenario is not good enough, try out the price check. You are next in line, but the person in front wants to buy something and it has no price. Again same store, same noise and crowd, and same page for the manager. The purchaser then slowly writes a check to pay for it.

Of course there’s the bank line, yes, the bank line. It’s lunch hour, everyone comes to the bank on his or her lunch hour, just as the tellers are all leaving for lunch! You of course are standing on the one line that extends across the street with a teller who is looking at the clock every other second. Who is she taking care of you ask? Some store clerk with a bag full of loose change, checks and stacks of cash that need counting, receipts, and mysterious slips of paper filled out.

This morning #2 Son was running late for school, and since he had only 2 minutes before class was to start we were in a real hurry. Guess how this turns out. We have to wait for a slow moving car to go down my block so I can pull out of my driveway that is now in front of us down the street. We finally turn off to the main road and BINGO we are behind Joe Cucchinello’s Landscaping truck and trailer, with 5 or 6 illegal aliens hanging on, smiling down on us at 12 mph. The landscaper turns off and we get a red light. As the light turns green what pulls in front of us? I’m glad you ask. I pride myself in my inquisitive readers. A SCHOOL BUS WITH FIVE THOUSAND SCHEDULED STOPS TO MAKE AND WITH NERVOUS MOTHERS HELPING THE LITTLE TYKES ON THE BUS AT EVERY STOP! Would the bus driver wave us on? NOOOOOOOOO. Finally I smell hope, we spot the highway and get on. Right behind the only truck with a wide load doing 4 mph and no way to pass him!

#2 Son was late this morning.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you got lucky! My day would have continued by stopping at the gas station and ending up behind the people buying a week's groceries on their debit card.

Love the blog, keep writing!