Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Now that TLW (The Little Woman) and I have settled into our new chairs in our den, an interesting phenomenon has occurred. It seems that we are both drifting, drifting, drifting off into sleep. For myself, the sleep is short lived. For TLW it is a total surrender to the sand man.

Actually, I am just resting my eyes, from the heavy duty that I put them through during the many years as a designer, so it really isn’t sleep, I just close my eyes and think. TLW on the other hand folds her arms, shoes off, remote in hand, blanket on, eyes closed and a warriors face, a face that says: “If you dare to wake me up, even if the house is on fire, I will rip your face off, and nail it on the back of your head.

We start the evening off by asking each other: “What’s on?” We end by saying to each other: “Why don’t you go to bed?”
Of course if you ask either one of us, “Who sleeps more?”, she will point her finger at me, but you won’t be able to hear her because she is snoring so loud.

The problem seems to be the chairs. The chairs are recliners, very thick and soft and cushiony. They envelope you and you can’t help but feel really relaxed. Right now, I’m on one of the chairs, typing into the laptop and

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