Sunday, March 09, 2008


TLW (The Little Woman) left yesterday for Baltimore, which is the scene of a Wedding Shower for one Megan Manning, bride to be and TLW to be herself someday. Megan is TLW’s niece and a beautiful young woman who gets married in May. Harry is the lucky fella.

TLW was very proud of herself, as she pointed out the fact that her bag was all packed yesterday morning, and she was ready to go the airport. She then proceeded to make various trips to the suitcase to determine what was left to put in. When I suggested I put her bag in the car, her answer was an emphatic “NO!” But she was all packed.

I deposited her at the airport with time to spare so she could reach for the sky so to speak. Trouble was there was no sky to reach for. The plane she was waiting for couldn’t land because of the fog, and she was delayed about 1 and ½ hours!

Well, it just goes to show you that the best laid plans on mice and men, if they involve Southwest Airline, go astray.

She called me a few times to give me the latest up-to-date delays and I so noted them. Now I will take a nap, it has been tiring to say the least.

Tired of this blog, wish to have political commentary in stead? Write to:, tell him: “You would be a shoo-in for sure. So, shoo, shoo!

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