Friday, March 21, 2008


Or, is he buying?

The other day was a funny kind of day. My Internet connection was acting up, and I sprung for a surprise lunch with TLW (The Little Woman).

Entering her wanna-be bank, I immediately saw that she had “members” who she was attending to. I sat off to the side with the arriving members who had business in the credit union. I was greeted with some “Hi!’s” and responded likewise.

When she was done, she signaled me to either come over or steal second base. I figured the former and went over. I met her boss and had a very guarded conversation so as not to embarrass TLW. Being how I was in a t-shirt that said: “I ate the Big One at Bill Johnson’s Steak House” I left my leather jacket closed.

Of course the comment was; “How very nice, taking her to lunch. Was it planned! Who’s buying?”

These conversations then are reduced to grunts and half uttered words, since I don’t want to talk to her bosses for fear that they might recommend the Waldorf Astoria for lunch, and I don’t spend that kind of money for lunch.

Off we went to a very over-priced deli, where we went wild, tuna on toast for me and grilled cheese for TLW. I did get my money’s worth; TLW gave me her pickle. Diner pickles are wonderful.

Whenever I go to TLW’s place of employment, I get the feeling I’m being judged. “Well, hr looks like a bum, he probably is.” Or “Is that what she married?” Sometimes I wonder if they say “What, was she desperate?”
Well all you well meaning people out there, I am a real catch. Something like the flu.

Feel like you are in a pickle every time you read this blog? Write to;, tell him: “You need to go on a diet of strictly pickles.”

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