Tuesday, March 04, 2008


I decided today that before I die, I want to clean out my office. I decided that after 37 years of marriage and keeping things, it is time to rid myself, purge the dark hidden spaces, and clean up, once and for all! This is an ongoing thing, for about one year!

Doing so requires discipline, which I have very little of when it comes to throwing out things. But when I look at some of the things I saved through the years, I wonder; “What was I thinking about? Why would I ever save this? And, Huh?”

Spending the first hour of the morning was exhausting to say the least. I am throwing away perfectly good hardware and the software that goes with it. Why? Because it is outdated, that’s why.

Old floppy discs, some brand new, hundreds of them, thrown out. A dozen other types that have some info I might want, have to be read, copied on discs and thrown out, along with the hardware.

This is killing me! But I will do what it takes to find the desk, and in some cases, the floor.

Pray for me.

Wish someone would clean out DelBloggolo? Send your request, but keep it clean, to: joedelbroccolo@yahoo.com, tell him: “Hey, you missed something to throw out, YOU!”

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