Saturday, May 24, 2008


I love my dog Happy. She has a beautiful face, loves me and is smart in many ways. Then there are times when I think: “Dumb dog!” Why this hot and cold attitude?

I have mentioned in the past how Happy rings the little bell at the bottom of our sliding door that leads to the back yard. This tells us she wants to go out. Sometimes she will just stare at me in a: “Well?’ look, meaning again, she wants to go out. She also likes to wait for me to sit down and get relaxed in my chair before doing these things, or waiting for us to sit down to eat.

Happy has a new form of making me crazy; I call it taking things to the very edge. Kind of like pushing the envelope as they say. What she usually does especially when I don’t have my shoes on is: walk along the very edge of the pool. Her head down, sniffing, she tempts fate by walking this way. She is testing whether I will rescue her or not. Happy has fallen in twice, at 4:30 in the morning during a cold frigid storm with snow on the ground! TLW (The Little Woman) had to fish her out.

We had the railing removed from the staircase and upper hall, so there is nothing there to stop one from falling over. The floors are shiny and slippery, so a dumb dog has to watch herself. What does Happy do? Happy walks along the very edges, ready to fall off the upper walkway, or off the staircase, there is no barrier! The other night she nearly did, as she struggled to grip the slippery floor, leading from my studio. Did she learn? Noooooo.

If any readers are interested in an American Cocker Spaniel, buff and white, please let me know. I can also throw in a 20 year-old #2 Son with a computer and $100 cash!

1 comment:

Laura L-V said...

That hallway makes me nervous! When does the railing go back up?? We missed you at the Tam O'Shanter last night! MFF