Friday, May 23, 2008


The other night, I was sitting in my recliner vegetating in front of the TV. I love to vegetate: I find it relaxing. All of a sudden, TLW (The Little Woman) comes to life! Yes, she actually stirred from her coma like state and from a reclining position leaped about 4 feet into the air!

Now I was fully awake and she was air-borne.

Looking up at the ceiling I asked: “What Happened?”

“There was an ugly bug on my newspaper!” she replied.

Have you ever seen a beautiful bug? Have ever marveled at the fine lines, well cut wingspan and grace of antennae? Neither have I.

“Its only a little bug!” I said. You should be able to crush it.” I continued.
“You should have come over here and taken care of it!” she barked.

What she said holds true. Many years ago, when we were first married, we were living in a rented apartment in a two-story house. I was running later and had to catch my train to the city for work, and as I was ready to leave, high on the wall was a daddy-long-leg spider. As I ran out the door to my car, I yelled out to her; “There’s a spider on the wall in the kitchen.”

My day was a long one then. Up at the crack pf dawn, shower, dress and grab a cup of coffee, go to the Railroad station, find a parking spot and jump on the train. After two hours of train rides and subways, walking to the office and working for 8 to 10 or 12 hours, back on a subway to start the process of going home.

When I got home, there sat the spider. Hadn’t moved, didn’t seem disturbed, and TLW was making supper.

“What happened, you didn’t get the spider?” I asked.

Her reply to my question is one that I think all men have heard, but here it comes anyway.


So, I killed the spider.

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