Saturday, May 17, 2008


Being a married man, I often get “Help” from TLW (The Little Woman). I consider this “Help” essential to staying alive.

The other day TLW was sorting the mail as I was getting a cup of coffee. She came busting over to me and said: “You have a Macy’s card, don’t you?” Not one to carry it, I still answered in the affirmative and shook my head, “Yes.”

As she is approaching me, she is waving a couple of small cards at me, and says: “These are made out to you.” They are two small discount cards from Macy’s. One is for money off, and one is for a discount of 30% off.

“You know, these will come in handy. Big savings! You know that with birthdays coming up (hers is July 9th) and anniversaries, ours is June 19th, these should come in handy."

You see where I’m going with this?

I am sure there is no chance whatsoever, of TLW collecting on my demise until the soonest, July 9th of this year, providing I go to Macy’s and follow her “Plan”.

Thanks for the help, sweetie.

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