Friday, May 06, 2011


Recently I was pulling out of my driveway to take #2 Son back to school. I checked both ways and started to back up, when all of a sudden, this nut goes flying by at an unsafe speed for a residential neighborhood!

My immediate reaction was to swear off at the driver.

TLW (The Little Woman) then began to state:

“I just love to get in the car with you, such language!”

“Well, the idiot shouldn’t be driving down the street like that, it endangers all our lives, what if a little kid pops out of nowhere?”

Of course, there are other ‘issues’ that rile me, for instance: why do people stop for a light, 2 car lengths behind the car in front of them?

Why do people shout “Wahoo!” when they are in a crowd and being filmed for TV?

Why do women, when they are about to cry stick their fingers horizontally under their nose? Then they fan themselves! Why?

Why do cops swagger when they walk anywhere?

Why do people wait to get into their cars to personal groom?

Ever go into a restaurant, hoping for a quiet meal, and the waitress sits you next to a large crowded table, with someone always trying to draw attention to themselves, with loud laughing, thinking they are interesting. Why?

Speaking of restaurants and waitresses, how come they look at you as a couple, and say: “Two”, when if there were more coming I would tell them otherwise?

Why, oh why, when I don’t have a tag for ‘E-ZPass’ at a toll, the guy in front of me needs change and directions?

In a hurry, but have to stop for gas, the big SUV in front has to take all day long to fill up, then the %$^*^% takes out a credit card, delaying you even more, as Muhammad slowly strolls off to process the card, stops to have a cigarette, lunch and coffee, before coming back?

Why do I go on?

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