Monday, May 30, 2011


I keep on getting unsolicited phone calls from diabetic companies that wish to sell me insurance, supplies and whatever else they have. They call everyday, and least twice a day. I have repeatedly told them that I don’t want their calls, and to please stop. But as one solicitor said: “I’m sorry, you name is in our base, and we are not the only company that will call you, we can’t stop, and the calls will keep on coming to you.” Oh?

Then one day I got a three call day, then that night the caller ID identified a company that had called earlier in the day! So, if I can’t convince them to stop, I will at least cost them some time and money for their efforts. These people who call me pay for the solicitor to call and speak, then wait for me to reply. More often than not, when they call, you answer and there is a long pause, like the caller is not paying attention, then suddenly burst on the phone and says:

1.) “Hello, and how are you today?”

Or, they may try the more direct approach:
2.) “Hello, Mr. Del… uh, Mr. Delbrocchio?”

This one particularly endearing to me.

Then there is the third and more invasive approach:
3.) “Hello, we understand that there is someone in the household that suffers from diabetes, is that correct?”

To #1 I answer: “Fine, thank you, thanks for asking!” then, hang up.

#2 required some patience. “That’s Mr. Dellablasszizziolisimimo.” That left them stuttering and somewhat off their game plan. Or I would just answer: I’ll get him. I lay the phone down and wait until I hear them hang up. (I love this one, it IS quick and easy!)

#3 gets an answer:
“Why yes, that is correct.” Then I just hang it up.

All this could be simply ended by just hanging up, but where is the joy, the fun in getting interrupted by a stranger, asking personal questions and disturbing your thought process?

TLW (The Little Woman) says that: “these people are just doing their jobs”, and that I should behave. Well, I am not stopping them from doing their job, AND that is HOW I behave!

Once I thought I’d try a different approach: “No hablo English.” The bastard spoke Spanish, too!

If you care to comment or send money, I even accept salami and/or pork chops in lieu of payments.


Jim Pantaleno said...

Can you imagine the rejection tolerance these folks must have? They work in a job where everybody hates them for invading their privacy. Geez, they must go home and kick the dog after every shift.

Anonymous said...

I do agree with TLW and try to be patient. However, when in a situation like yours, these 3 strategies help.
1. Answer the phone and quickly ask them if they can hold. Go and take a break. Chances are they will have had to terminate the call by the time you get back.

2. Pick up the phone. Do not speak. Press the # button quickly and repeatedly. Hang up. It messes with the computer and sometimes results in no more calls from that company.

3. Register with the "DO NOT CALL" option which restricts some businesses.

Have a nice cold iced teas and chill.

pamela said...

It is all about choices! And if I send you a salami in lieu of a payment, then will you share it with me? I take my salami with mustard BTW