Monday, July 15, 2013


If you read the July 3rd Blogue I wrote: ‘BE CAREFUL OUT THERE, IT’S STUPID!’ then you are about to read the sequel, ‘BE CAREFUL OUT THERE, IT’S STUPID! Part 2.

Showing off his wiener


It takes audacity for a politician to run as it is on the promise of something he will not fulfill, and then seek re-election lying about his past. Then along comes Anthony Weiner and exposes himself for what he is, a pervert, and then seeks to run for office once again, taking on the high mantle of morality, the plea for forgiveness and the old coin: everybody should be forgiven. Fascinatingly people, stupid people buy into it, getting usually what they deserve.


But wait folks, we ain’t done yet! Nope, yet still another insect has come out of the woodwork, or from under a rock, I forget which, and is now saying the same thing: we ought to forgive and forget. This one has even fallen from on high, and of course I mean, the former governor of the great state of New York, Idiot Spitzer. Found in bed with a prostitute, dressed in his socks only, if he were the Attorney General he would have prosecuted someone for that, especially a politician! (The use of a prostitute, not the socks)
'Socks' Spitzer


So here we have a Weiner and a Spitzer, the Alpha and Omega of morality, who will mount platforms and preach to us how they will lead us to the promise land. No sense of shame, no sense of integrity and certainly, no sense of morality, with a whole slew of mindless, stupid people to support them.


Either I need to chill, change my sense of right and wrong, or we need some heads examined!


1 comment:

Anthony said...

You don't need to chill or change your sense of right and wrong. It's an embarrassment. Also, is our pool of public servants so thin that the same turkeys keep running for office? We need some good people to step up!

-#1 Son