Sunday, January 14, 2018


I have always held the office of the President of the United States in great respect. It is a place that few can go to, and still fewer leave it unscathed. It has far-reaching effects on the world at large and even down to young children who dream of someday aspiring to greatness.

It commands the most powerful military and so it has the most responsibility to keep world peace and when necessary, defend it. It helps the economy function, with policies and individuals who pursue sane fundamental monetary policy.

It is the moral compos of the nation, defending the poor and uplifting those who are in need.

It was the leader of the Free World once, it is the office of the United States' President.

The President himself comes from the will of the American people, based on ideologies that shape policy that the majority wish to ascribe to, no matter Liberal or Conservative, Democrat or Republican.

This is not a critique of policy, it is a critique of deportment on the man who occupies the office of the President of the United States.

All too often this past year the President has expressed himself as he is, he is not holding back he true feelings and maybe that is refreshing somehow. Then, maybe not. Within these past 12 months, he has turned off our greatest allies, alarmed our enemies, and crapped on poor nations, leaving this incredible nation with leadership that seems to evolve from day to day, with investigations that are ongoing and with street talk that only describes the user of such language and uncertainty. This is a nuclear age, one that requires caution and reflection on what our next moves and responses should be. It is here where we as a nation need to have confidence in our leaders, not regret.

Mr. Trump can build his walls if the people want that, undo Obamacare and create new taxation methodologies, but his duty is to do so that all Americans can have confidence in the process, respect for the office and pride in the man we collectively elected, oddly enough from a minority of voters.

Right now, I see this mess that seems to be escalating not unlike Richard Nixon's White House. I don't want to see it go from the White House to the Crap House within the next 3 years. And please, don't post conservative or liberal translations of the truth, I never read them.

The talking heads are all having their day, FOX NEWS and MSNBC both choose to paint the picture their way, a refusal to pay attention to facts, limiting their coverage to what they want you as a viewer to hear, which is not necessarily the truth.

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