Saturday, January 06, 2018


The great winter storm of 2018 is upon us as I write this. Like all snow storms I can no longer shovel myself, as per orders from everybody. It seems like only yesterday I was shoveling and now I have to call someone.

The snow itself seems kind of strange, it is snowing for twelve hours yet it doesn’t feel very high, except for the drifts, and the hurricane force winds that dominate the day.

Back in the 70’s when I commuted to the city, you never knew what to expect. One morning I left for work on the train and the day had started off with a torrential rain, that quickly turned to snow and transformed a 1 hour ride into six or seven hours. I got into Manhattan around 1 PM ate lunch and turned around back on the train for another six hours.

There have been snow storms that I had to drive in. One such storm started about 1:30 PM and took me 7 hours to get home. On top of that, half way home in the storm on an every-man for himself Expressway my driver’s side windshield wiper stopped working, causing me to lean over to look ahead!

But today we are dealing with a wind that will cause temperatures to feel like 10 or 15 degrees below zero tonight. I’ll go to bed under heavy covers and not move, just lie there and enjoy the comfort of not having to go out in the snow, my health you know.

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