Monday, January 15, 2018


Forty-six years ago, I signed my bachelorhood away in symbolic fashion. Like so many before me, I officially became engaged to marry after popping the question the day after Thanksgiving the year before.

The night before we went to NYC where we picked up an engagement ring TLW (The Little Woman) selected. We had dinner, afterward at a fancy NYC restaurant and went home via the Long Island Railroad.

We were planning to announce our engagement on St. Valentine's Day, a natural choice since it was so close. As we discussed it, I would take the ring and give it to her on that day. But it bothered me that I had to hold onto this expensive promise and decided to, without her knowledge, give it to her the next morning, a real surprise.

I climbed the train steps, went to our favorite seat among many friends and waited for the bride-to-be to arrive. Apprehension set in as the train to Hunters Point slowly eased into the East Islip Rail Road station, and TLW climbed aboard. In her marron pants suit, she settled in and I gave her the ring.

Of course, I was reminded that she wasn't really dressed for the occasion, but immediately proceeded to parade up and down the aisle of the car, showing her rock off.

And so I write before you, once a single man, going nowhere on the train of life to my final destination of wedded bliss and pizza every Friday night.

The End (In more ways than one)

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