Wednesday, January 17, 2018


Went to the movies again this week to see the movie ‘THE POST’ about the Pentagon Papers and Daniel Ellsberg.

The movie features the best of Hollywood in Tom Hanks and Meryl Streep, two of the best in my book. It is a heroic tale about how the American public was lied to by successive administrations in the White House about Viet Nam and the conduct and progress of the war in that country.

The way it was produced takes you there in Washington DC, amidst major decisions that rocked the government in a Constitutional crisis, and if you remember your history, the outcome played out by the US Supreme Court that ruled no president can rule alone. It also stated that the press was responsible to the governed, not the governors.

My recommendation is to see this movie and understand the history of why we remain and will remain a great country.

My father-in-law who worked for Tom McAn shoes was known to read the New York Times and find all the typos, circle them and send the newspaper to the editor. In the movie, a shoe box arrives and it is a Tom McAn shoebox with all the Pentagon papers in it. I turned to TLW (The Little Woman) and said in a whisper at the movie: “It looks like it came from your father!”

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