Wednesday, July 31, 2019


No matter which end of the political spectrum you are on, the constant news that seems to be jaded by who the news source is supporting or not has become too partisan and bias. The faith I once placed in a TV or radio report on POTUS or Congress seems to become one-sided rather than informative. It seems the reactions on both the left and right are too quick to respond negatively than considering the points being made.

Because of all this jadedness by the reporters I have shed I party affiliation for one of Independence. I found it is very calming and soothing while giving me a chance to better understand points of view!

The other day a prominent Senator, one I detest laid out his reasons for obstructing a proposal which when listened to, made me consider my opinion on a broader scale and, oh my God, UNDERSTANDING HIS LOGIC! The beauty of being Independent at its finest. I’ve become convinced that the two-party system once adequate is no longer viable we need another alternative.

It would be very hard to brand me a Liberal or Conservative since my views are contrary as a whole to either arm of politics. Some issues I am a Liberal and some a Conservative. I would give you these views but who would care except those running for office seeking my vote or endorsement.

One of the men I truly liked and admired was Senator Joe Leiberman from Vermont who wore an Independent label and seemed so sane in his points of view, causing both parties to have to shift their points of view for fear that they would lose too many who would vote for their side. It’s what I call: ‘squirming’ and is very enjoyable to witness.

The trouble with being Independent is that Independents have different viewpoints with each other, but the good thing is they consider everyone’s point of view. If you don’t as an Independent, you lose your soul once again.

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