Monday, July 29, 2019


I have to admit, I ate at the Olive Garden. It wasn’t something I planned, it just happened. Being hungry I lost my head in a shopping center with an Olive Garden nearby and went in. I entered and looked around making sure no one knew who I was or that I was Italian.

There are things we all do that we are ashamed of, and my eating at the Olive Garden is one of them. My grandmother, God bless her soul and her sole (Used to make it with capers and olives) will be rolling in her grave when she reads this.

Once I slapped a pizza out of the hands of my son because it had pineapple on it. I’m not ashamed of that, though.

Dad used to make pizza in his pizzeria restaurant. Then when he stopped that and went into the business world he became impossible to eat pizza with, describing what was wrong with the pizza, particularly the crust, his biggest source of complaint, while another source of complaint or criticism was, you guessed it, the sauce. He made everything fresh, grew his tomatoes and oregano. You might say he had a very critical tongue when it came to pizza and once went into a Pizzeria kitchen in Washington to reprimand their poor assemblage of the sauce that seems to have come right out of the can. They never seasoned it at all, obviously a non-Italian chef!

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