Friday, April 13, 2007


A specter is haunting my home, the specter of the shopping network! It reared its ugly head one morning while I came downstairs for breakfast, and has been poking around ever since.

It seems it started with TLW (The Little Woman) who was sitting in her chair, minding her business when this station beamed their hideous programming right into the den! The poor woman was probably blind-sided and never saw it coming.

Fortunately I arrived in the nick of time to spare her the trauma of buying something that would only make us poorer, or worst still I would have to put together.

In spite of my monitoring and vigilance, every once in a while the station will pop up while TLW is changing the channels, and it will linger there longer than the rest of the channels! There is nothing worst than a longer linger than I need.

Suddenly we are getting fan mail from QVS, and little presents they are sending TLW! Must be presents, I don’t think she ordered anything. Right?

Pray for us. We need all your prayers if we as a family, the Del Bloggolo family can overcome this insidious and horrific attack against my wallet! It is something like identity theft, but it’s called “cash theft.”

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