Tuesday, April 24, 2007


Once in a great while you can meet someone by chance, that has a special quality about him or her that makes you glad you’ve met. That someone happens to be paying a visit this coming May and she and TLW (The Little Woman) will be off for a brief visit to Chicago for a few days.

Taking TLW off to Chicago with her does not in itself make her special, but what she has demonstrated through the years is what does. Her name is Maureen, and she is my sister-in-law and TLW’s older sister.

Maureen is the kind of person that reflects her parents, particularly her Dad’s parenting, and the fact that you never say an unkind word about anyone, and as far as I know she hasn’t. When she sees you it’s with a warm smile and a hug, and always a cheerful greeting. Maureen is the oldest of four children, a graduate of Malloy College when it was strictly a women’s college, and a retired mathematics teacher for a private school. Living in Connecticut she taught teenagers with attitudes, and if you don’t believe there are dedicated teachers, just ask her how much she made compared to the regular school system. When you dedicate your career to needy people, you have achieved what I call: “Life’s achievement”, that is; you’ve given something to the world that is worthwhile, you have contributed a lasting gift to mankind. How many of us can say that?

In all the years since we’ve had our children, she never forgets them, especially my daughter Ellen, and she always makes sure to build a special connection with each of them. Having two children of her own and grandchildren to boot, she remembers my kids like they were her own children or grandchildren. She should be America’s Grandmother.

But the scope of her personality does not rest with children only; Maureen has many friends, who are visited whenever she gets the chance. A sort of modern day Magellan, she travels the world and is a work in progress, with her own criteria as to what Maureen she be, taking up classes for self improvement and just for the sake of learning.

But learning is what she does best, when Maureen meets you, she will take an interest in your life, without being intrusive or nosey, just caring. She is a special gift to her family and friends, and all who know her well love her.

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