Saturday, April 28, 2007


This morning I came downstairs for my breakfast coffee, and TLW (The Little Woman) informed me that the HDTV was not working. My first reaction was to say very intelligently and my may add astutely; “What?”

I know that sounds kind of brilliant and something with all his marbles would say, but I said it anyway. “What?” There, I said it again!

The reason I used such comprehensive language to communicate is that the TV is brand new, really just out of the box, so why would it do these terrible things to me?

After careful investigation and analysis, I found the TV remote. Yes, it takes careful investigation AND analysis to find the darn thing in my den. I switched to a higher channel, 704 and compared it to channel 4, and sure enough, the higher channel worked, but the lower version, channel 4, which is the same broadcast looked pixilated going into and out of clarity, as my brain would do when it becomes pixilated.

I mentioned to TLW that the fault lay with the local feed, but she insisted that it was the case on the high definition channels also, “See, the whole screen is not being used!” stated TLW. “Yes it is” stated I, “no it’s not” countered she, “Oh yeah, look at the blue crawl along the sides of the picture!” in triumph said I.

With the height of victory rushing to flush my mind and soul, the pure joy of being right for the first time in 36 years of my married life, I immediately grabbed the morning newspaper, checked the date, and recorded it. Mark this date down, I plan to have an anniversary celebration blog in one years time. April 2nd, 2007 at 7:16 AM, I was right and TLW was wrong.
Look, I know it isn’t such a big deal to you normal folk, but life is short, I need a victory and this was it.


Unknown said...

I have to wait 36 years???? Well done Uncle Joe, one point for mankind!

Steve Philp said...

I gotta wait 31 more years?!