Thursday, April 19, 2007


I can also add the word unforgettable to the list of things I am. TLW (The Little Woman) and #2 Son have a growing dependency on me.

Most conversations are started by #2 Son with the intro: “Hey Dad?” This is a lead to a “Want” question, one that either costs me money or time, or both. For instance: “Hey Dad, can you print up my paper for English Class?” Me: “Sure, when do you need it?” Him: “Tuesday”, me: “No problem” Him: “No, last Tuesday” Me: “Of course.”

With TLW the conversation is somewhat one-sided. Still starting out with a question: “Joe, will you run to the store for me today when you have some time?” (Thinking: “he has all the time in the world, he’s retired.) “I need milk, bread, lettuce cheese and dog treats, bananas and four new tires. I’ll leave the money on the table.” ($3.00)

Of course, even the dog can get into the act. Happy is an excellent watchdog. She watches for me sit down to eat, watch TV, read or even nap before she hits the little bell she rings by the back door when she needs to go out to do her business. While I’m on the subject, both TLW and #2 Son will be going for hearing and eye tests that I am demanding, since they both don’t seem to see or hear Happy ring the bell.

Of course #2 Son can work at all hours of the night, the last minute in putting together a paper on a laptop computer, so that I have to get up before the roosters crow to print it out for his 7:30 AM class. Now I know you are asking why doesn’t HE print it? Well, the reason being that the laptop is not connected to the computer.

Missing your English Literature book for class, no problem, just ask Dad. (While I’m printing out his English Literature report for his 7:30 AM class.) Hungry and have some pots left over after making yourself some dinner? No problem, the butler is available 24/7 and at your immediate disposal.

If it sounds like complaining, it is, but then again, I guess it’s my turn now that I’m home and she’s working.

One thing I know perfectly well, when I finally go to the old age home, they WILL follow me there. I just hope they accept dogs at the home. Why? Because they need me.

Let's face it, I love it!

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