Wednesday, June 04, 2008


On our trip to Pennsylvania for the wedding and 90th Birthday party, we set up the GPS to take us there. Now I have written before how TLW (The Little Woman) does not get along with the GPS (Global Positioning System), and so when they are in the car together, I often have to separate them. This weekend was a little different.

It was near Trenton that we hooked up with the GPS, after a break. What should have been an hour and a half became three and a half hours of scenic touring. The GPS wanted to tour! We didn’t.

Into and around Trenton we journeyed, hitting all the points of disinterest there were. I was getting angrier by the minute, TLW was jumping out of her skin. #2 Son slept.

After hitting still another small town, we decided to ignore the darn thing and go the way we wanted. This was after 3 hours more than necessary. Then I remembered the day that someone played a trick on me and the GPS said: “In einer Meile drehen Sie sich nach rechts!” (In one mile, turn right, or else) Remembering that I still let #2 Son sleep in peace.

TLW said once we reach the hotel in King of Prussia, Pa. “Do you think there is some kind of resetting we could do to the GPS. Maybe it is set in tour mode instead of fastest way?” Of course, she was correct. We reset it, and I really couldn’t face the darn thing for the rest of the weekend, after what I called it. Pardon my French! (Begnadigung mein Französisch!)

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