Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Many years ago, when I first met her, she was full of life. She would do anything she wanted to do, and do it well. She was a great companion. Just sitting with me was special. She was also and still is: loyal. We could feed off of each other, and spend the day together, not saying a word to each other, just each other’s company. It was comforting.

Once I played a trick on her, and she just looked at me, and it was enough to know that I should never play tricks on her. Although she played them on me, I never tired of them, until the day came when she didn’t care anymore.

It’s sad when someone you love no longer can do what you are used to seeing her do. When she can no longer share with you the special times and things she shared, it reminds you of your own mortality.

Today she just lies next to me, all day long. If she wants something from me, the look in her eyes tells me so. She has a look for just about everything in her life. I have learned the looks from her. She taught me well.

She is deaf, deafer than I am. She is saving a lot of barking because of it. Strangers come to the door while she sleeps next to it, they talk to me, and she just sleeps there, not hearing anything!

But the old gal, Happy, my American Cocker, is getting on in years. Some day I will miss her, and out of loyalty to her, I will never replace her. Nor will I need as many paper towels to clean up after her. I will remove her dish for food and the one for water, and not stumble over them again. I will sit for dinner or to relax, and not have to get up again to let her out. I will save a fortune in food, Vet’s bills and cleanup time after her.

No more mad barking at strangers as they pass the house, and I’m on the phone trying to hear.

Boy, I’ll miss her!

1 comment:

Steve Philp said...

Beautiful dog! You're right though, VERY expressive eyes.