Sunday, June 01, 2008


For the past 6 months, I’ve been in a bit of a quandary. It seems I received a Christmas card last year from my old pal and former boss, Ed Smith. In the card he referred to the promise I made in my card that I would give him a call this year, The number I have is an old one, and when I call, all I got was what sounded like a fax machine.

TLW (The Little Woman) has a lap top computer I got her a few years ago, and the power plug went, causing it to use all its reserve power. I went to Apple and purchased a new one for a small ransom, enough to make a family of 10 have a week in Hawaii, including meals.

Taking home the plug, I set4 up the laptop once again, and while it was building power, I saw this blue icon on the screen and thought: “what the hell.” Sao I push and an ad pops up, “Join Linkin, and find anyone anywhere. So once again, I thought: “What the hell.” I typed in Ed’s name and sure enough, there it was. Name and phone number, his age and who he is married to, including his kid’s names!

I call, and get his beautiful wife Anita, who answers and I tell her whom it is. She doesn’t use an expletive, or even slam the phone down hard! No, she says: “How nice to hear your voice, Joe!” After a little chitchat, she says Ed is on the deck; let me see if he can guess who this is. She says to Ed; “Its someone from the past.” Ed gets on the phone and I say; “What are you doing on the deck?”

“JOE DEL BLOGGOLO! I KNOW THAT VOICE ANYWHERE!” Again, he didn’t use an expletive, or even slam the phone down hard! I guess I got lucky! We hadn’t seen each other in over 12 years! An occasional card, but that was it.

Bringing someone you love from the past back into your life is a gift you give yourself.


Anonymous said...

Recently, in the Scripts Spelling Bee a contestant was challenged with the word Delbloggolophobia - origin Italian n. an intense fear of being quoted on the blog. Sadly, the contestant became so flustered hearing the definition, he spelled the word incorrectly thus eliminating him from the competition. What has home schooling come to??

Joseph Del Broccolo said...