Friday, December 12, 2008


I’m getting younger everyday!

Way back in the late 60’s or early 70’s, the famous NY Jets quarterback, Joe Namath wrote a book titled: “I can't wait until tomorrow ... 'cause I get better-looking every day!

Yesterday, I visited the Westhampton Beach Day program my daughter attends for an annual review of her overall progress. The review went great, and as I was leaving the conference room, I hear a voice call out my name from one of the side offices. Stopping short, I peek into this office and I see a lovely woman by the name of Jean Kelley.

“Hi, Mr. Del Broccolo, how are you?
“Fine thanks, and yourself/”
“I was speaking with one of my staff, Nora, and she said to me; “Did you see Mr. DelBroccolo? He looks great, he looks younger!” So I thought I’d tell you that.”
I responded truthfully, “Tell Nora the check is in the mail.”

There is no magic potion employed. What Nora saw was new duds I was wearing. I kind of stepped into the 21st Century. But boy, it sure made my day! Especially after TLW’s, (The Little Woman’s) flat tire event I reported on my blog earlier.

Please remember Joan and DD, and all those we need to pray for.

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