Friday, December 05, 2008


Yes, it finally happened! I’ve got nothing to say. Searching my mind, I found it empty. I guess you knew this before I did.

No topic do I wish to expand! No thought is original. The process of thinking has taken a turn for the worst. I stare at these few words.

However, since I’m without words, I’ll complain. (I’m feeling better already!)

I was stopped behind a car at a very short light. The light changed to green, and the driver ahead of me was busy chatting with her car mate. Her hands were in motion as she emphasized her points. The light was about to change, I give her the horn, and she looks in the rear-view mirror, and then pulls out, just in time for me to get stuck for another red light!

I go the deli, order a coffee, ‘regular, small, no sugar.’ I get in the car, open it, and the coffee is sweet!

Why is it they never cut all the way through a bagel! You still have to separate the two, and in the process, destroy the symmetry of the butter on the bagel. You are left with butter all over the sides. Again, get a ham sandwich with cheeses, lettuce and tomato; do they cut through the sandwich? NO! You try to take that baby apart and what a mess!

You walk into a restaurant, just two of you. The hostess picks up two menus and asks: “Two?” No lady, I have the armed forces waiting in the car for me to signal them I have a table.

You take your car in for inspection. The mechanic calls.
“Joe: Those tires you bought this morning? Well one of them is worn at the sides. You’ll need new tires to pass inspection. You want me to change it?”

You call for information at a large company.
“Welcome to the touch pad directory of the American Association of Retailer’s wholesaler’s and anything that is American and made in the USA. Para Espanol press one, for English, press two, to speak with a representative, press three, for our directory assistance, press four, if you need to use the toilet, and are sorry that you didn’t go before this call, press five, If you wish to speak to an operator, why didn’t you say so?”

I press three.
“Welcome to the touch pad directory of the American Association of Retailer’s wholesaler’s and anything that is American and made in the USA directory assistance. Para Espanol, press one, for English press two.”

I press two.
“Spell the first four letters of the person’s first or last name you wish to speak with, or hold the line and an operator will be with you shortly. I’m sorry: all the available operators are busy with other callers. Please hold the line and an operator will be with you shortly. Your call is important to us. I’m sorry: all the available operators are busy with other callers. Please hold the line and an operator will be with you shortly. Your call is important to us. I’m sorry: all the available operators are busy with other callers. Please hold the line and an operator will be with you shortly. Your call is important to us.
I’m sorry: all the available operators are busy with other callers. Please hold the line and an operator will be with you shortly. Your call is important to us. I’m sorry: all the available operators are busy with other callers. Please hold the line and an operator will be with you shortly. Your call is important to us.”

So, I hang up and try again.

Please remember those of us like Joan and DD that need our prayers.

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