Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Last month there was a show on TLC (The Learning Channel) about this family with 19 children. Now these kids were not, and I repeat ‘NOT’ adopted, they all came from the same place!

The mother had brought the latest addition home from the hospital and all the other children were fawning over the newcomer. THE MOTHER WASN’T AROUND!

My immediate concern to TLW (The Little Woman) was: “Quick, someone separate the parents, before it is too late!”

How do you remember all those names, how do you feed them and how do you house and clothe them, all the while procreating? Must be a busy schedule, you need to find the time for it all. I’m sure with 19 kids running around, by the time you hit the sack, procreating is last on the list of things to do. That leaves the first thing in the morning.

“Not now honey, I have a headache!”

“But you slept all night, HOW could you have a headache???”

“I get anticipatory headaches, the doctor says it happens a lot in large families.”

“What are you anticipating?”



“You don’t want me waking up in a bad mood, do you?”

“But you are so sexy when you do.”

“Oh, Jim-Bob”

Start reading over again from the second paragraph of this Blogue.

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