Sunday, July 17, 2011


The hair is going, the eyesight, the hearing, probably taste as well. But I always tried to keep my mind from going. I know some of you think it is already gone, well, guess what?


Coming down from my shower one morning, TLW (The Little Woman) was in her chair. She looked at me quizzically, and frantically started to point to her eyes! Looking at her, I felt bad; after all, she has been feeling good lately so I wondered. I also wondered why she looked so fuzzy, when it hit me. She was asking me: “Hey, moron, where are your eye glasses?”

Without a word, I turned around and headed back upstairs to fetch them, laughing at myself for being such a smuck.

Well, there you have it. From now on, you will be reading blogues that may wander, may lose its focus half way in a sentence, may take you to where, you don’t know. It other words, nothing will really change, maybe even get better.

When Mom was in her 50’s, I used to tease her about the old age home. In fact, once I took her shopping since she didn’t drive, and stopped at the old age home, and asked her if she thought she’d be happy in it, and of course she reacted in such a manner as to say: “Not in your lifetime dumbass!”

Today, when I call her, and she is 93, she can still remember people I long forgot. She has a terrible memory like TLW, she remembers too much about me! But Ma, please when they put me in the old age home, don’t make a fuss about it, and don’t go saying: “THAT’S MY SON!”

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