Friday, July 15, 2011


As we sat down to dinner about a month ago, TLW (The Little Woman) made an announcement: “The search is over!”

When TLW makes announcements, I usually sit up and listen. It is a lot like the Russians did when Pravda or Tass made announcements, something big for the masses to hear and believe.

“I finally found a card for Anthony and Courtney for the wedding!”
“Oh! Pass the pork cops, please.”
“I didn’t want to get anything too mushy.”
“Right, pass the rice, please.”
“And I wanted something for the both of them, not just ‘son’ as most of them say.”
“Of course, we have any salt?”
“Here, read it”

And so I read it, burp and look for the salad. The ancient time honored custom of having the salad after the main course, to push it all down with the roughage was invoked. It goes with the Italian American tradition of calling sauce: gravy. It is just the way it is, so get over it!

Looking into TLW’s eyes at this point is pointless, she cries. Her eyes flood and her breath shortens into short gasps, making me want dessert too. Emotions are running high and long, as TLW thinks about all the moments she spent with her baby, and there were many, and now she was handing off the baton of love to another woman. As for me, I think a good chocolate donut would really be nice about now.

Fortunately, TLW didn’t buy a mushy card; she will be mushy enough for all the world to witness. As for me, I will trail along realizing, there is the bride, the groom, the bride’s mother, the grooms mother, the bride’s father her family then the groom’s family and somewhere after it is all over, the father of the groom will try to get something to eat, or at least try to hitch a ride back to the hotel. Maybe a Jack Daniels Manhattan?

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