Saturday, October 11, 2008


Life can be very interesting.

We are planning a trip to Florida, and one of the things I have to do is get my pills in order. This is because I’m an old fart.

I have a weekly pill case, which separates my daily regimen into 7 days. Each day has a compartment. TLW, (The Little Woman) has one too. That is because she er… needs it.

Well, a few days ago she got her pills all together for the week to come. I, on the other hand, was minding my business, thinking of how to make the world a better place.

TLW: “Ah, I have all my pills ready for next week, and YOU don’t! I know how anal you get when it comes to your pills!”

She was bugging me! She was dancing on my grave so to speak! Rubbing it in. Admiring her home run, dancing in the end zone!

I never knew it bothered her! I wondered why. Then I decided to come up with some ideas why.

1. She really thinks I’m perfect.
2. She admires my efficiency.
3. She wishes she could be like me.

All you married men out there-heed my advice. Humor her. Why do married men die before their wives? They want to.

Please remember my pals Joan and Anita.

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