Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Recently I called my business partner Pam, about some pending issues when she informed me that she was having dinner at that moment with Sista Tanj-Gerina. As you know, the good Sista, who is known for blessing the multitudes, or so it seems as she waves her hands when she speaks, with a amen kind of Mamma Mia when she ends her sentences, had also taken one of her many disciples’ with her to the dinner.

Being how her tag along guest was one of her little pooches, she knew she would have a captured audience to hear one of her many sermons. She then decided to take the visit one step further and had the dog baptized! Sending the little dog out to the back yard, the little pooch decided to walk along Pam’s closed for the winter pool and then went onto the top of it, where she promptly fell between the seams that were coming apart and into the drink!

Seeing her little dog disappear, Sista Tanj decided that maybe it was too soon for a k-9 baptism and decided to get baptized herself, in pursuit of the little doggie. In went Sista Tanj, clothes and all, to rescue her companion, praying loudly as she did, or so it seemed, her hands were flailing wildly about in what one would assume was prayer.

Fortunately, cooler heads prevailed, as Pam, a devote follower of Sista Tanj, fell first on her knees, then prone, at the side of the pool, stretching out her arms to Sista Tanj and her little friend, plucking them out one at a time.

Say; Hallelujah, say amen! Or as Sista Tanj said: Madonna!


pamela said...

Since that time , I have made donations of doggie life preservers to Sista Tanj's ministries...H A L L E L U J A H
I say

Jim Pantaleno said...

Maybe we could bring Sally Field out of retirement to star in "The Swimming Nun."

Mary Ann said...

This is hysterical!
What a visual I got! lol

pamela said...
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Anonymous said...

Hi Joe, I had to sign in anonymous since I'm having computer problems!! Here is the real story told by the victim!! Miss Pam had told me that day after jumping in to save my poor Bailey, that the water was over my head. So I was forced to swim faster toward Bailey since I was afraid he would swim under the cover, he was almost there now. I grabbed him by his collar. Pam said I had him in a headlock when I handed Bailey to her. The next day Miss Pam called me to tell me that she forgot she had emptied some of the pool water so she could close the pool for the winter. So I could have stood up!!!! Joe I might have been praying silently, but it wasn't the Madonna I was saying out loud!! By the way I'm thinking of joining the Polar Bear Swim Club!!