Sunday, April 24, 2011


As most of you know by now, Happy, my cocker spaniel has gotten old. #2 Son is starting to get like the rest of us for the overuse of the bell that she strikes with her paw.

The bell was put there (and it might have been her idea) to tell us she wants to go out. Then she will strike it if she thinks she wants to go out, steps outside and comes right back in. This makes us all peeved at her since she is doing it for a treat.

I have been thinking that maybe she is really senile, and not so devious. She is way past her life expectancy, but in spite of that fact, she will still jump up into a chair, arthritis and all. She limps from her hind legs, she has all kinds of growths on her, and she has slowed down considerably.

Most of Happy’s day is spent sleeping, and one day as we were both in the den, her sound asleep and me in my recliner, I suddenly hear this strange moaning, like a visitation from the dead! A sound so mournful I thought that the angel of death was finally coming for me. Covering all my bases, I said a quick Act of Contrition and started to review my life, realizing I had a lot of explaining to do, and wondered if I would need summer clothes. After about five minutes of this I realized on my way to the bathroom (I figured the explaining would take a while and I wanted to be comfortable) that the noise emanated from Happy!

But now I seriously doubt senility is a factor, unless you are talking about me. The other morning, she pulled a fast one as they say, striking the bell. Getting up I went to let her out, she stepped out and waited for me to walk away. Standing there she waited, and I stood and watched. She decided to go out of sight and then come back! TLW (The Little Woman) was sitting reading the newspaper and I remarked to her: Well this dog can’t be trusted to tell the truth! TLW: “True and you say she is senile, she knows what she is doing, YOU are getting senile when you buy into her.”

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