Monday, September 23, 2013


TLW (The Little Woman) has finally found a way to collect the insurance money, have more room in bed and eat what she likes only, and own the remote outright! The I-Pad will be my undoing, that is, her I-Pad.

She has tried numerous times to drive me insane with her laptops, my computer and even the GPS. But never in the history of our marriage has she found the item to cleanly remove me from the face of the earth until she purchased the I-Pad. Now it is my fault that she has one, since I encouraged her to get it once she started looking to replace her crappy laptop from Toshiba.

No, she will not make it explode next to me. She will not raise it over her head and crown me, no, she will deliver a bombardment of questions about the Internet and how it works, why it isn’t working and the agony of listening to the questions, the long round about way she will address each one to me.

Now you might think I’m being a little dramatic, but she gets a sense of the sillies as she does this to me, as I slowly but with great force bang my head against the wall. It came be an all day affair, (the banging) and may explain some of my blogues.

“Joe, I’m downloading an app (notice the developing techie in her) and it is taking a long time!”  OR “Joe, it says I’m not connected to the Internet, but I see the page!” OR “Joe, is the browser the thingy with the address or is that Yahoo?” And so it goes, my medical provider will soon send me a note telling me if there is a I-Pad in the house, they will not cover it under the plan for cause of sickness or hurting myself!

Pray for me.

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