Sunday, September 29, 2013


As we drove home from the lousy performance of Tevye in Fiddler on the Roof, I fully expected my car mates to comment on the whole show. I of course have my opinion but try not to be too vocal about it and let others express their opinion.

Sure enough, along with TLW (The Little Woman) in the back seat sat Toots II (Lois) and The Princess of Foxwoods Points (POP) aka Pat. In the front seat riding shotgun was Bill, POP’s husband.

Approaching the service road to the East Bound Sunrise Highway the discussion begins.

POP: What did you think of the show, Joe?”
Me: “Ah, the show was good but the guy who played Tevye was not! He was too flat!”

Bill: Oh? I thought he was good. I think he was a little too young for the part though.”

Me: Nah! HE STUNK!”

Bill: Don’t hold back Joe! Tell us. Wow, you are a tough critic!”

POP: “Do you think you could have done better?”

Me: “No, I’m not paid to be an actor.”

POP: “Do you think you are a critic?”

Me: “ We are ALL critics, or we wouldn’t be going to these things. That is how we judge if we like a play or not!”

Bill: “What exactly didn’t you like?”

Me:“ He was too stiff, there was no command of the part, no interpretation of what it meant to be a Jew in that time and place. HE STUNK!”

Bill: “Well, I disagree, I liked him.”

Me: “He couldn’t act, couldn’t dance and couldn’t even convey a Jewish accent to get us in the mood. HE STUNK!”

TLW: “I notice when he sang ‘Sunrise, Sunset” there was a tear in his eye!” (trouble maker)

POP: “Yea, there was.”

Me: “That’s because he knew HE STUNK!”

POP: “Well, I had a tears a few times during the show!”

Me: “I’ve seen this twice in the movies and stage, and what have you, and I noticed there were more tears tonight in the audience then at any time I’ve seen it, do you know why?”

TLW Sighing: “Why?”

Me: “Because HE STUNK!”

Reaching the Nichols Road exit for the LIE I negotiate the curve and jump onto the westbound service road of the LIE.

Me: “You know the one iconic line in the story is where after the wedding and the pogrom comes, Tevye talks to God and says: “Dear God, I know we are your chosen people, but could you choose someone else for a change? Even that, perhaps the most important line in the whole play is poorly done, he was flat! He didn’t convey the thousands of years of suffering, of being a persecuted Jew, and having to upend his family and leave his friends, of not having too much happiness. I think I know why too.



Princess Pat said...

He did not STINK. He was good plus
I didn't smell a thing!!! So there!!!

Joseph Del Broccolo said...

He S•T•U•N•K!
Stinky poo! HE was a Bum!