Thursday, September 12, 2013


Speak about their in-laws kindly that is? All my married life has been easy, as far as the relationship goes between TLW (The Little Woman) and me. When there are issues, they lay in other things or people. That is not to say we don’t disagree, we do and will in the future, but they seem to always resolve based on a well-grounded relationship. I think this is true for most married couples.

But somewhere in the past, TLW was ingrained with a few basics that lead to a good person, it came from somewhere and I know the source, her daddy.

Jim lived into his 70’s, which was not long enough for anyone’s measure. He was a very hard workingman, who had an eye on the comfort and future of his wife Helen and children, and he should have, he had a beautiful family, none of which disappointed him. His legacy went even future into the future with his grandchildren and great grandchildren. To this day he is still missed and still thought of fondly. Oh he had his quirks, his likes and dislikes, and in spite of those minor things, had a grace about him that I respected.

He had one other thing, an easy chair, the most comfortable chair ever made. The seat was the right depth and very comfortable. Through the years I have searched for just such a chair and have never found it! Imagine, a chair so comfortable, you can fall asleep, read and watch TV and never get uncomfortable in it!

So today is his birthday, a day that will be quietly remembered and somewhat observed. I will go to the cemetery and visit his grave, give him an update about his daughter and grandchildren. He would have been 113 if he had taken better care of himself. Maybe I’ll hoist one or two in his memory, kind give it an Irish flavor, then look at TLW with her wonderfully kind and sweet face and say: Thanks, Jim, you did good!


Anthony said...

Happy Birthday, Grandpa Manning!

(For the record, I can speak very kindly of my in-laws, too. It's a nice perk of being married to a wonderful gal.)

-#1 Son

Joseph Del Broccolo said...

I would think so on your part for both statements!