Sunday, June 16, 2019


Dad was the focus of Father’s Day as I grew up. What to get dad? He didn’t wear ties, wasn’t a clotheshorse, didn’t play golf, and didn’t go to the opera. It was difficult to show appreciation for Dad who told me so many stories of his youth, or the fact that he got up every day and went to work to feed us.

When I became a dad I was treated specially by my kids in their own way, I wasn’t a spanker like Dad, took a long journey into the day to NYC via the LIRR or drove forever to Port Washington because the distances were where the jobs are. But these two examples pale in comparison to what is by far the most important day to come up, my son Anthony’s father’s day.

If you don’t know already, he lost his wife one year ago this June 18th and was faced with raising a 4-year old and a newborn while the child’s mom passed on the delivery table. The shock would kill me, but not my son, he forged ahead and made plans to soothe this horror from his daughter and to raise these two beautiful children without a mom. I know he goes somewhere in his world to deal with all this and my wife and I try to be there for him, but we feel like intruders because let’s face it, we couldn’t conjure up enough empathy to truly understand this pain.

He has two very happy children in his midst; being raised against the odds as normal and loving children who love us. Anthony has done the hardest thing on Earth and has done it expertly he is my hero. So this Father’s Day will be about him and only him.

Anthony, I look at you in deep admiration, your greatest achievement has been your children and your ministry as a father, protector, and teacher. Courtney may have left us, but her children are in the best hands she could possibly find.


Love, Mom, and Dad

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