Wednesday, June 26, 2019


For the 47-years that she has existed, being carried by her parents in their hearts. Through the tribulations of discovery, the reality that the life they dreamt for her was not to be and the sober fact that they never know what is in store for them and their daughter. They wonder… does God really exist?

When another shoe falls because of their little girl or another child of theirs the thud is in the heart and soul of the parents pulling down the heart while the soul braces for the next thud.  Does God really exist?

As she lies in her hospital bed, a $27,000 bed designed for people who can’t move themselves to adjust their comfort level after hours and hours laying in the same position and the new bed does what she cannot do, adjust the pressure points to avoid bed sores you wonder… does God really exist?

When one day is filled with high hopes and the next day erased like chalk on a blackboard, leaving only the blackness, and nurses and doctors leave one with only clinical observations and implied silence that all will not be right you wonder… does God really exist?

When you have lived the scenario 38-years ago and you lose your child once before in that time and know this does not seem any different than it did 38-years ago you ask yourself… does God really exist?

As parents they have walked many miles, they cannot see the roadside for it is blurred with the incessant tears that fill their eyes. As they carry their burden yet again after 47-years all they hear is her sweet utterances of “Momma” or “Happy” all the words she can speak her eyes wide open and her smile so sweet that fills their hearts. They wonder… Does God really exist?

And yet, when they visit the house of God and see His face and watch His hand as He tries to make her comfortable feeding her and administering her medications, performing procedures to save her life, a life He will ultimately decide to save for this Earth or bring to her reward they no longer wonder… Does God really exist?


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