Saturday, February 27, 2010


The other night, TLW (The Little Woman) was telling me I had to go on the Internet, and send a file to my accountant. He had to get this file in order to finish up my taxes.

Slowly she repeated the address and slowly I repeated it back to her, one agonizing letter at a time, one dot at a time. It took so long: we could have driven it to the man a lot quicker.

Reading a newspaper in the old days I could read it in the dark, and was too lazy to get up and switch a light on, so I did read it in the dark. Today, I need a magnifying glass, three 5,000-watt bulbs, and my glasses to read the headlines, meanwhile complaining that people leave lights on in empty rooms. It was probably me, forgetting to shut them off!

Typing is another story. I need lights behind me, over me and next to me, the screen has to be set for a large image, and that doesn’t guarantee I will be able to read anything I typed.

Driving, I must have my bi-focal to drive and read the dashboard. If I wear my $400 pair of prescription sunglasses, without the bi-focal lens, I can’t read the dashboard, or see the GPS!

Ever forget why you went into the refrigerator while cooking. How about that room you entered for a reason? Remember why? Or that object you put in front of you, that you will be putting away, as soon as you enter the room on the other side of the wall, where once you get into it, you forget what it was you were suppose to do, then forget all about the object you were going to put away!

Ever introduce someone for the first time to people you know, only to draw a blank on their name, one you use every day?

#1 Son gave me a small pocket recorder that I carry around with me. Trouble is I’m sometimes afraid to use it in public, because people will think I crazy while I speak into it.

The TV becomes an issue too. I can’t lean back in my recliner because the screen becomes out of focus! I then have to switch to another pair of single lenses.

The type on the pill bottle for some of these over the counter products are written for people with exceptional eyesight. Those are the younger people. The people that need the product can’t read the darn type!

Finally, how many times have you forgotten the name of something you told yourself was easy to remember?

At least you are kind enough to remember DelBloggolo!


1 comment:

Jim Pantaleno said...

There's still hope for you Joe, as long as you don't yet own a "Clapper".