Wednesday, February 24, 2010


That magical time of the year, when TLW (The Little Woman) gets it into her head to start another room renovation. This one is on me, since I’ve been wanting to renovate the room for a long time!

We are talking master bedroom, and new colors, new doors and new curtains chosen by TLW. What this really means is an endless series of discussions on what works with what. Does this go with this, and do you want this opposed to that.

It is here that I give TLW a lot of sway, as it should be. I can give artistic advice, when it comes to color, design and what not, but she makes the ultimate decisions.

I think she should make the walls match my skin color (grayish green) or my personality, a kind of grayish yellow, so I can blend into the room, and hide out there, while she is looking for things for me to do.

Every year at this time, I start another project and hope to get it done before the summer heat and humidity set in. This year should be easier. The bedroom will get some new woodwork, window treatments with quality wood sills and molding and some nice new closet doors. We may even argue for refinishing the floors and tossing the rug.

I figure we should, we are always open to freshness, and it is a kind of renewal to do those things. Renewal gives a fresh prospective to things to life in general. The only problem with these plans is will I have enough time? We go to California in April to visit #1 Son and Courtney, and I have a few projects in the mix that need doing.

Then there is the yard, which should be easier this year in that all the gardens are now in, just some new planting and some trimming and weeding out of stuff.

And so another year has come, just like last year, only now, and I still am trying to get over last year!

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