Wednesday, May 28, 2014


Life is not hard enough. No, we need to suffer as much as we can, and will, so long as we depend on others.

We had just spent most of a week in lovely Burbank California, visiting with La Principessa, the crown jewel of all things Del Bloggolo. After the horrific ride in with jetBlew, whose slogan is: “Late, Later. Cancelled” promised to send me a cancellation notice if the flight was cancelled, and instead told us at the airport and we waited for another flight 6 hours later for another destination, notified us that our return home flight may be cancelled as well.

La Principessa
To our great surprise, as we sat in Burbank (Bob Hope) Airport, the flight was on time! It was leaving at 6:00 pm for what is a 6-hour flight! However…

Because of climatic conditions, we will have to fly to Las Vegas to land and refuel, this is because it is 100 degrees out, the runway is short, and a brewing storm in the NY area has made JFK alert us that we can not land there without enough fuel to be diverted to another airport. This will add another hour and three quarters to the flight! Oh good! Sit in the dark in a silver tube for almost 8 hours, with no food, coffee or anything but stiff legs, active bladders and dumbass male flight attendant hitting into me running up the aisle for some PITA up front as I am dozing off to sleep, being awakened and shocked and never going back to sleep at the same time.

Someone has to pay for this, and who better than my sister, who just happens to be a flight attendant for jetBlew: who’s slogan is: “Late, Later. Cancelled” I’m sure she will lend a sympathetic ear to my misery and atone for it with a nice gift salami or pork chops and no hard feelings!

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