Tuesday, May 20, 2014


You are never too old to learn, and mom is not reticent to teach me.

As you might know, Mom lies in a bed and can’t move much. Her right hand is paralyzed and her left hand has very little use. She is almost blind and deaf, and so she lies there for 24 hours unable to even move her legs. This is the results of 2 strokes..

Mom’s brain on the other hand is very active, astoundingly so, as she can correct me, remember things that I forgot and still is sharp as tack. She was 96 on May 10th!

Having gone through Catholic school as a child and hating every moment of it, it did instill in me certain disciplines that have proved invaluable for me in life.

As I sit next to her bed, we reminisce about the past, talking about things and people that have crossed our paths in life. We laughed and cried about life in the past and suddenly we were on the topic of religion. As we chatted, the topic came to: First Holy Communion and TLW (The Little Woman) who teaches little second graders and gets them ready to receive First Holy Communion. ”You know Ma, TLW is helping the little second graders to make their First Holy Communion!”

Mom suddenly looks at me and stares deep into my eyes, I’m in trouble!

“You know Joseph (calling me Joseph is a sign I’m gonna get it) I sent you to Catholic School, you should know better. You don’t say "make communion", you say "receive communion!”

I sit there reprimanded, knowing that she is correct, and that even if it is splitting hairs, I will NEVER make that mistake again! So being a glutton for punishment, I continue:

“Ma, what about confirmation? Do you receive conformation or what?” I know the answer, but I want her to continue with the lesson.

“You receive confirmation too.”

“And marriage?”

“Oh! Marriage!” She rolls her eyes upward and I quit.

1 comment:

Diana said...

That was precious Joseph! Yes, she sounds like she's still sharp as a tack, so watch what you say!!! You might have forgotten......but she didn't!!! LOL!!! (check under the sheets for the wooden spoon!!) :-)