Sunday, May 03, 2009


This morning as I pulled into the parking lot of the Handy Pantry for my customary roll and coffee, a fellow was just stepping out of his car. As he stood at the car, he shook his head in disgust, waving it back and forth in utter disgust and disapproval. As I passed him on my way into the store, I noticed why.

I entered and he followed, as I got my coffee and he got what he needed, we both went to the counter to pay, me preceding him. He followed me out the door, and said as he reached his car: “The whole parking lot in mapped out with lines, and I missed all the stalls! What he had done was park next to the end parking space, over a spot marked with lines that were diagonal; this meant it was not for parking. Having done the exact same thing myself, I laughed and said that I did that once myself, so welcome to the club. Laughing, he wished me a good day. He is about my age, so that alone should excuse him.

I got to thinking about the time I went through a revolving door in a bank on 53rd Street in NYC one Friday, and by not paying attention, was in the same section as this little old lady! With my hands up in the air so as not to touch her, I tiptoed behind her until we got through to the bank. I was about 25 at the time, and she was about 70.

“A woman can’t go through this city without being molested” was her cry, out loud, for all the people on line to hear! In her 70’s and she is insinuating that I molested her! The look on my face may have suggested that I DID, but the experience was very revolting to me.

To clean up a popular bumper sticker: “Poop happens!”

Please remember my brother-in-law, John, and all those that need our prayers.

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