Friday, April 16, 2010


I would think that some of you have seen the recent TV showing of the Shroud of Turin. Usually, when something scientific is revealed, I just listen and try to follow, and wait for the results that the show provides.

This is due to a complete lack of scientific interest, that I sit passively as the truths are revealed. Not this time. Nope, I knew all along what was going on!

I won’t bore you with the details, except to say that two things were done to come to a conclusion as to what Jesus looked like. One was the use of computerization and my knowledge of Photoshop, that enabled me to follow AND understand what the problems were in this endeavor, and Two: my artistic experience in understanding anatomy, light and darkness (the essence of drawing).

It is very liberating to understand something from a professional lifetime, and see that I learned my lessons well enough to be paid for them, and to communicate and receive new knowledge from that same experience.

There is also a third force that was at work, the use of photographic technique. Now you may say: “Wait a minute Joe Bob, you DID mention Photoshop, didn’t you?” Well I will say two things to you: One, my name isn’t Joe Bob, and Two: Photoshop is NOT photography, just the enhancement of an art form, that when done properly, needs no enhancement.

So where do we go from here? I for one will go get a cup of coffee, and ponder a nap.

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