Tuesday, June 25, 2013


As you may know, I went to the orthopedic surgeon for a bad back, Without any tests he decided to first try a medication: Meloxicam and physical therapy. His feeling is “WE” should go gingerly at first, taking exploratory steps before “WE” seek to find out what is wrong. “WE” did this a whole month, taking the medication and the P.T., with startling results. “WE” don’t feel any better than we did a month ago! But for a whole month “WE” suffered with the pain that is so bad it causes me to sometimes yell out in shock!

So I went back for a follow-up with the doctor: Dr. Cart L. Edge, world-renowned Orthopedic Surgeon around his office.

Dr. “So, how do you feel?”

Raising my head from the floor: “The same.”

Dr. “Did you try the physical therapy?”

Raising my head once again: “Yes I did.”

Dr. “How many times?”

“About six, the last time I left the gym feeling strange, and when I got home I leaned over to do something and this shooting then stabbing pain made me wonder if maybe, just maybe there might be something else “WE” could do?”

Dr. “Well, six times is enough to tell if it is working or not. So “WE” discontinue the p.t. and the medication, and try something else. I’ll arrange for an MRI as soon as your insurance OKs it.”

And so for four weeks, 30 days, I have been trying to walk around and live on an experimental basis. Why the hell did I do that? My kid sister asked me two weeks ago how I felt and said I should have an MRI and not have to suffer. She was right, if you have back pain and need a diagnosis, I’ll give you her number.

1 comment:

Jim Pantaleno said...

Bummer. Can't say I fault his cautious approach, but then I'm not the one in pain. Hope you get some relief soon.