Wednesday, June 26, 2013


Dr. Strangeglove
Went to see Dr. Strangeglove. I woke up with one eye closed and I literally had to open by hand, and a very heavy cough and congestion, so subsequently the visit.

He told me I have bronchitis and an infection in my eyes, and prescribed medication. It has been a bad end of spring beginning of summer for me. If you couple the fact that I am now scheduled for an MRI in early July, for a severe and chronic stabbing pain in my back in the lower right side, put together it makes a lovely package!

How do you get these things, and don’t ask me, I get them without knowing it. I have a hunch all the traveling I did this spring has something to do with it. LA, Chicago, Albany, Philadelphia, and million places to catch something, eating in strange places and what have you, somewhere along that line I caught a few of these things or bugs.

Between my back and the cough, and the eyes all watery and a little burning, I should just crawl under a rock and reside the rest of my life.

I’m tired of sitting around all day, but when I get up to do something, the back immediately starts up. I wake up in the morning and I think the back problem is gone, but take a few steps and I’m sharply reminded.

The worst is TLW (The Little Woman) has been doing everything herself around the house, especially on her vacation, so some how I need to make it up to her. She doesn’t complain and I feel very bad, so I do what I know can be done until I have to rest my back and the pain subsides.

I think tomorrow’s blogue will be a little more upbeat somehow, but it does feel like a world without end.

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