Saturday, April 19, 2014


Every morning when I get up and shower, I go downstairs and follow a routine. At my age I need a routine and try to stick with it. Change the water in my Keurig Coffee maker and adding a fresh pod, sorting my pills so I don’t die, and try to recall who that was in the mirror when I went to the bathroom.

My pills are sorted in a pill container that is divided into 7 days, starting with Sunday and ending the week on Saturday, this I like because it doesn’t confuse me, and I can repeat to myself what day it is.

One morning last week I got up and did the usual and came to the pills, the ritual where I separate the am from pm intake for old people. I take them out of the pill box, put 3½ pills into a small metal container for the afternoon and the balance in a small plastic clear container that I take with me into the den with a cup of coffee. This goes on every morning, rain or shine.

In the course of the pill assignments, I was distracted by a case of cola that was sitting precariously on the counter and decided to fix it, which I did then took the pill container and my coffee and went into the den, sat down and noticed something strange! There were NO pills in the container. This spooked me and so I high-tailed my way back to the kitchen and sure enough, NO pills in sight either.


I try to reconstruct the simple events and still can’t seem to figure it out. I tell someone about it and get some help. Did I take them already? Did I put them in the garbage? Did I maybe do some kind of machination that makes a hand filled with pills make the pills disappear?

We shake the soda and discover them in the bottom of the cola carton?

Pray for me.


Diana said...

Don't worry Joseph, I do the same thing QUITE often. They say it's just the normal process of aging....hmmm......But we call it C.R.S !! LOL!! Happy Easter to you and all!!

Joseph Del Broccolo said...

Same to you, Diana!