Saturday, April 26, 2014


April 23, and as I sit in my den, the sky is overcast with rain falling, and in spite of the grayness, I am feeling the sun on my face. Today is a special day, a day I try very hard to celebrate every year at this time. The day I refer to is ‘Staff Appreciation Day.” Today, the AHRC Suffolk Chapter will thank the many dedicated staff that has stayed with the agency in terms of longevity, some for over 30 years!

Going to the office on Tuesdays, as a member of the board of directors, I sign checks and say hello to some wonderful people. How could I know they are so wonderful? Because, like a fireman, or policeman, doctor or nurse, these wonderful individuals dedicate themselves to making life beautiful, and when I see them, I see the sun shining, and a fresh new spring day.

Proof of God's existence
Many of us go to church, and hope that we can be with God, but I figured out long ago that God lives within each of us, and as well as among us. He is what we are; he is the curiosity, the love, the rabbi, the sick and the poor as well as the rich. We often bare witness or hear accounts of affliction and horror, of tragedy and sorrow and ask: “Why does God make this happen?” I know I have often asked that question myself, then it dawned on me one day. I have strayed away from God, by going to church for one hour when someone bleeds in a gutter. When I leave the brick and mortar of the church building, my devotion kind of gets lost for the rest of the week, the bleeding in the gutter continues.

Where the 'Beautiful' people gather
I envy anyone who can work to help his/her fellow mankind: I know THAT is the most important work you can do on this earth.  I wish I had chosen a career path that was more focused on helping humanity, and doing the things that God needs done. If God controlled everything that happened in this temporary life, he would not need us, would not give us life and we would not be of any use to ourselves or anyone else. But what about the question of why God lets things happen?

Lisa Bochner -a loving and talented administrator and CFO
There is not enough GOOD to describe Bill Leonardi, CEO
Once when I was a little boy, I fell and tripped over a cellar door that was raising from the pavement. It was an automatic type that accepted deliveries of heavy packages, and I got entangled as the door was closing in on my legs. Suddenly, from nowhere, a hand reached out and pulled me free! The person was a man named Henry, who was developmentally disabled. He saved me, and I realized, here was a man disabled who was indeed doing God’s work!

My daughter, her face shows me that God does exist!
God doesn’t let anything happen. But God reacts to what does happen, and I wonder everyday, what will I do to help God today? HE is in the face and hearts of every staff person who I will see today, and they each individually receive recognition for their dedication, and love; helping the less fortunate live a beautiful life!

Thank you AHRC Suffolk.

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