Thursday, July 19, 2018


Some people dream of great things, some people stay awake and do them. Me, I’m afraid to open my eyes in the morning because of the world and national news and who makes that news.

It has been over 18 months with the current administration; it has also been over 18 months of confusion, angst, and major changes to the world order and the core of all this emanates from one man.

But this is not to condemn or agree with the President on his policies. Some I can agree with and some I don’t. What I am seeing is the reason why we as a nation are so divided, and that is the press.

If you go to MSNBC, they are quick to jump on any negative news either conceived or real. Theories are advanced as to why things are so horrible because of Trump.

Advance the channel selector to FOX News and it is the same thing in reverse. They blindly defend the administration and don’t go to the unpopular areas that are important,
Everyone-that it matters to.

My opinion about the President is not relevant to the fairness if the free press only privately in a voting booth.

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