Monday, December 23, 2019


I had a history teacher back in my senior year of high school and a rather good one; his name was Mr. Richard Hall. Mr. Hall would grab my attention with his technique of speaking to us in our language, mixing in something funny like: “You know, that dance you are all doing now, the mosquito?” This brought the house down, as we knew the dance as the ‘Fly’. He was a no-nonsense man who took his job seriously, to pay attention and did your homework and because of his devotion to his calling we passed his class, we were better than the first day we entered his classroom. He got sick for a while and we missed him.

One of Mr. Hall’s favorite things was to compare some historical revelation for a historic person like being in the room with the twelve Apostles when a ray of light appeared to them as the Holy Ghost.

Today I had the same kind of revelation, the Holy Ghost came knocking on my door while I was on Facebook! There is a picture of #2 Son Mike, and Muscles Marinara Bobby, sitting quietly together, hanging as they say.

The revelation? They are the same! Yes, Bobby was a tinderbox filled with curiosity, laden with mischief and extremely bright, or should I say smart?

When Uncle Mike was a little older than Bobby, he would come over to me with an object of some kind, hand it to me and ask me to explain it to him. It didn’t matter if it was a tool, a toy, or some form of a document; he wanted to know about it. He was a great imitator and aped me a lot. He had to have a briefcase like I had when I took work home, he once made a toolbox with the words: “Del Broccolo and Son” on it, and he always had a mind of his own.

Little Bobby is showing all these traits and I can see where he is going. Like his Uncle, he is constantly investigating, and when he is able to read he will be immersed in the world until he finds an answer and expresses an opinion. Hang on World!

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